Saturday, December 29, 2012

Favorite Season

Ever since I was able to understand anything about the joys of November and December, well, I have loved it.  LOVED.  With lots of capital letters and exclamation points - which is a lot of love for a season.  As a child, my most beautiful mother would tell people "Do not sing even one NOTE of a Christmas song before November, because sweet Betsy will sing carols until January!"  Ha.  I love, love that about me AND about my mother.  How well she knew us!  

It's true.  I started listening to carols long before many of you did.  They just make me happy, and I like that.

As I grew older, Thanksgiving almost took the title of "favorite holiday." The family that would gather and traditions we would engage in, without fail, made it such a grand event.  Absolutely nothing could measure up to the fun we had hiding the mashed potatoes from uncles, opening Christmas crackers, and wearing paper crowns proudly while telling British jokes.  Truly, it was great fun (and the food was DE-licious.)  Ohhh how I cherish these memories with my whole heart!

Christmas, too, was full of one weird tradition after another, but nevertheless right on cue.  Surely we weren't the only ones to act out the entire "Twelve Days of Christmas?"  

And it's all different now.  It's like a band-aid was ripped right off of me, and I'm left wounded and in pain.  Maybe not physical, but certainly mental and emotional.  Sometimes I think "I just don't want to grow up anymore!  I would like to be a kid again.  Yep."  This season is by far the happiest-hardest of all, and when I most loathe change.  On one happy note (well, two) I perfected the once-to-me-dreaded art of whole roasting turkey and making bourbon balls.  Exciting news, friends.  And tasty.    

BUT (there is always something more to add, right??)  I started my own Betsy-tradition this year!  Yes.  I decided I would bake a new cookie recipe a day from this old, weathered 1986 Southern Living Christmas Cookie book.  The rules (for me) were to only bake, make and shape recipes in said book.  I did well - though I had to stop making so many cookies, as I completely ran out of counter space and cookie tins!  I oh-so-kindly left the cookies with others while visiting family this past weekend/week.  

It was great fun, though, to try so MANY new things!  Ohhh, and they were so SO good.  I had to literally walk briskly away from one sugar cookie recipe I'd made.  I could not, for the life of me, stop eating them.  Maybe it was the lemon zest... or the soft texture... or Christmas shape... or Royal Icing-Cookie combination.  I don't know, but it was truly addicting.  As were the chocolate peppermint brownie bars.  Whatever!  So good.  Sweet as anything, but I did not care.  That combination, well, is what Kryptonite is to Superman.  Seriously.

I have so very many pictures to share with you!  Maybe I'm not so great and getting them off my camera, but I will.  Sooner than later :)  Happy, happy.  

Oh!  I have new job!  It's just wonderful and I'm excited to share more about what I'm doing in Austin soon. 

Have a perfect Saturday, friends!

Love, Betsy